Saturday, December 31, 2011

E Commerce Explained - A Research Paper


Roll In The Deep


This article is about Roll In The Deep

An e-commerce solution for a business is the incorporation of all aspects of the business operation into an electronic format. Many well-established businesses have been selling on-line for years. For example, Dell Computers Corp., has been selling computers directly to end-users for years. Currently, Dell is selling excessive of 1 million dollars worth of computers everyday on the World Wide Web (WWW).

When a business has incorporated an e-commerce solution, the business will experience a lower operation cost while at the same time increasing its profit. The e-commerce solution will allow businesses to eliminate unnecessary paperwork. All paperwork and data can be transformed into an electronic format. Thus, it will eliminate valuable shelf space and data can searched and accessed in matter of seconds. E-commerce will also automates the sales process. Customers can "point & click" on the products they wish to purchase, fill out the customer information, and the product will be shipped and received in a matter of few days. The administration department does not have to fill out any paperwork because the customer had done it already. Thus, the efficiency will be greatly improved. With an e-commerce solution, the business will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. People from anywhere in the world with an Internet access will be able to visit the site at any time. They will not be restricted to the "normal" business operating hours. A "brick + mortar" business is normally limited to serving the customers in its local geographical location. With an e-commerce solution, that business will not be limited a geographical restriction, rather it opens itself to the global on-line market. Essentially, the business' market exposure will be greatly increased.

In conducting my study, I have researched extensively on the Internet for resources. I chose the Internet as my primary research medium because e-commerce is still a fairly new technology. Since it is technology related, the Internet will provide the most recent data available. Printed publications will not be able to adapt to changes as fast and efficient as electronic publications. I researched many e-commerce related web sites along with some companies that conduct statistical studies. Some of the e-commerce web sites that I looked into are E-Commerce Times, eRetail, and eMarketer. The statistical research firms that I researched are Forrester Research and Jupiter Communication. Both firms provided valuable statistical data that shows the rise of consumers shopping on-line and the predicted dollar amount that will be spent in the coming years.


In conducting my study, I completed the following tasks:

- I searched extensively on the Internet for sites that are e-commerce related. Upon visiting the sites, I evaluated each sites for the contents, thoroughness, and objectiveness. There are literally hundreds of sites that are devoted to e-commerce. However, after my careful examination of most of them, I narrowed down to four sites that I will research for this report.

- I have also researched many firms that conducts statistical researches. The two firms that I will be utilizing for this report are Forrester Research and Jupiter Communication. Both firms are known for their preciseness, non-objectiveness, and thoroughness. The statistical data I collected from these two firms will support my recommendation that every business should have an e-commerce solution implemented.


From my research, I have developed twenty reasons why every business should incorporate an e-commerce solution into the business operation. They are listed below.

1. To Establish A Presence

There are approximately 70 million people worldwide that have access to the World Wide Web (WWW). No matter what industry or business one is in, one can not ignore 70 million people. To be part of that on-line community, one would need to be on the WWW for them. Because if one doe not do it, one's competitor definitely will.

2. To Network

A lot of what passes for business is simply nothing more than making connections with other people. Every smart businessperson knows, it is not what one knows, it is whom one knows. Passing out one's business card is part of every good meeting and every businessperson can tell more than one story how a chance meeting turned into the big deal. Well, what if one could pass out the business card to thousands, maybe millions of potential clients and partners, saying this is what I do and if you are ever in need of my services, this is how you can reach me. One can, 24 hours a day, inexpensively and simply, on the WWW.

3. To Make Business Information Available

What is basic business information? Think of a Yellow Pages ad. What are one's business hours? What does one do? How can someone contact the business? What method of payment does one take? Where is the business located at? Now think of a Yellow Pages ad where one can have instant communication. What is today's special? Today's interest rate? Next week's parking lot sale information? If one could keep one's customer informed of every reason why they should do business with them, doesn't one think one could do more business? One can on the WWW.

4. To Serve The Customers

Making business information available is one of the most important ways to serve the customers. But if one looks at serving the customer, one will find even more ways to use WWW technology. How about making forms available to pre-qualify for loans, or have one's staff do a search for that classic jazz record one's customer is looking for, without tying up one's staff on the phone to take down the information? Allow the customer to punch in sizes and check it against a database that tells him what color of jacket is available in one's store? All this can be done, simply and quickly, on the WWW.

5. To Heighten Public Interest

One won't get Newsweek magazine to write up about one's local store opening, but one might get them to write up one's Web Page address if it is something new and interesting. Even if Newsweek would write about one's local store opening, one would not benefit from someone in a distant city reading about it, unless of course, they were coming to one's town sometime soon. With Web page information, anybody anywhere who can access the internet and hears about one's site is a potential visitor to one's Web site and a potential customer for one's information there.

6. To Release Time Sensitive Material

What if one's materials need to be released no earlier than midnight? The quarterly earnings statement, the grand prize winner, the press kit for the much anticipated film, the merger news? Well, one sent out the materials to the press with "The-do-not-release-before-such-and-such-time" statement and hope for the best. Now the information can be made available at midnight or any time one specifies, with all related materials such as photographs, bios, etc. released at exactly the same time. Imagine the anticipation of "All materials will be made available on our Web site at 12:01 AM". The scoop goes to those that wait for the information to be posted, not the one who releases one's information early.

7. To Sell Things

Many people think that this is the number one thing to do with the World Wide Web. However, I have made it number seven to make it clear that I think one should consider selling things on the Internet and the World Wide Web after one has done all the things above. Why? Well, the answer is complex but the best way to put it is, does one consider the telephone the best place to sell things? Probably not. One probably considers the telephone as a tool that allows one to communicate with one's customer, which in turn helps one sell things. Well, that's how I think one should consider the WWW. The technology is different, but before people decide to become customers, they want to know about one, what one does and what one can do for them. Which one can do easily and inexpensively on the WWW. Then one might be able to turn them into customers.

8. To make picture, sound and video available

What if one's widget is great, but people would really love it if they could see it in action? The album is great but with no airplay, nobody knows that it sounds great? A picture is worth a thousand words, but one does not have the space for a thousand words? The WWW allows one to add sound, pictures and short movie files to one's company's info if that will serve one's potential customers. No brochure will do that.

9. To Reach a Highly Desirable Demographic Market

The demographic of the WWW user is probably the highest mass-market demographic available. Usually they are college-educated or being college educated, making a high salary or soon to make a high salary. It is no wonder that Wired magazine, the magazine of choice to the Internet community, has no problem getting Lexus and other high-end marketer's advertising. Even with the addition of the commercial on-line community, the demographic will remain high for many years to come.

10. To Answer Frequently Asked Questions

Whoever answers the telephones in one's organization can tell one that their time is usually spent answering the same questions over and over again. These are the questions customers and potential customers want to know the answer to before they deal with one. Post them on a WWW page and one will have removed another barrier to doing business with one and freed up some time for that harried phone operator.

11. To Stay in Contact with Salespeople

One's employees on the road may need up-to-the-minute information that will help them make the sale or pull together the deal. If one knows what that information is, one can keep it posted in complete privacy on the WWW. A quick local phone call can keep one's staff supplied with the most detailed information, without long distance phone bills and tying up the staff at the home office.

12. To Open International Market

One may not be able to make sense of the mail, phone and regulation systems in

all the potential international markets, but with a e-commerce solution, one can open up a dialogue with international markets as easily as with the company across the street. As a matter-of-fact, before one goes onto the Web, one should decide how one wants to handle the international business that will come one's way, because one's postings are certain to bring international opportunities to one's way, whether it is part of one's plan or not. Another added benefit; if one's company has offices overseas, they can access the home offices information for the price of a local phone call.

13. To Create a 24 Hour Service

If one has ever remembered too late or too early to call the opposite coast, one knows the hassle. Not all businesses are on the same schedule. Business is worldwide but one's office hours aren't. Trying to reach Asia or Europe is even more frustrating. However, Web pages serve the client, customer and partner 24 hours a day, seven days a week. No overtime either. It can customize information to match needs and collect important information that will put one ahead of the competition, even before they get into the office.

14. To Make Changing Information Available Quickly

Sometimes, information changes before it gets off the press. Now one has a pile of expensive, worthless paper. Electronic publishing changes with one's needs. No paper, no ink, no printer's bill. One can even attach one's web page to a database which customizes the page's output to a database one can change as many times in a day as one needs. No printed piece can match that flexibility.

15. To Allow Feedback From Customers

One passes out the brochure, the catalog, the booklet. But it doesn't work. No sales, no calls, no leads. What went wrong? Wrong color, wrong price, wrong market? Keep testing, the marketing books say, and one will eventually find out what went wrong. That's great for the big boys with deep pockets, but who is paying the bills? One is and one doesn't have the time nor the money to wait for the answer. With a Web page, one can ask for feedback and get it instantaneously with no extra cost. An instant e-mail response can be built into Web pages and can get the answer while its fresh in one's customers mind, without the cost and lack of response of business reply mail.

16. To Test Market New Services and Products

Tied into the reason above, we all know the cost of rolling out a new product. Advertising, advertising, advertising, press release and advertising. Expensive, expensive, expensive. Once one has been on the Web and know what to expect from those who are seeing one's page, they are the least expensive market for one to reach. They will also let one knows what they think of one's product faster, easier and much less expensively than any other market one may reach. For the cost of a page or two of Web programming, one can have a crystal ball into where to position one's product or service in the marketplace.

17. To Reach The Media

Every kind of business needs the exposure that the media can bring, as I touched on in reason #5 "To Heighten Public Interest", but what if one's business is reaching the media, as a newswire, a publicist or a public policy group. The media is the most wired profession today, since their main product is information and they can get it more quickly, cheaply and easily on-line. On-line press kits are becoming more and more common, since they work with the digital environment of more and more pressrooms. Digital images can be put in place without the stripping and shooting of the old pressrooms and digital text can be edited and outputted on tight deadlines. All these can be made available on an e-commerce solution.

18. To Reach The Education and Youth Market

If one's market is education, consider that most universities already offer Internet accesses to their students and most K-12's will be on the Internet within the next few years. Books, athletic shoes, study courses, youth fashion and anything else that would want to reach these overlapping markets needs to be on the WWW. Even with the coming of the commercial on-line services and their somewhat older populations there will be nothing but growth in the percentage of the under 25 market that will be on-line.

19. To Reach The Specialized Market

Sell fish tanks, art reproductions, flying lessons? One may think that the Internet is not a good place to be. Well, think again. The Internet isn't just for computer science students anymore. With the 70 million and growing users of the WWW, even the most narrowly defined interest group will be represented in large numbers. Since the Web has several very good search programs, one's interest group will be able to find one's company, or one's competitors.

20. To Serve One's Local Market

I've talked about the power to serve the world with a e-commerce solution. How about one's neighborhood? If one is located in San Francisco Bay Area, the Raleigh NC area, Boston or New York, there is probably enough local customers with Internet access to make it worth one's while to consider Web marketing. A local Palo Alto, CA restaurant even takes lunch orders through the Internet! But no matter where one is, if the big client has Internet access, one should be there too.


After detailed analyzing and studying of the effects and benefits of incorporating an e-commerce solution to an existing business, it is clear that an e-commerce solution will benefit the business in every aspect.

The implementation of an e-commerce solution will generate a brand new revenue stream, expand the market exposure, and decrease the operation cost. Many Fortune 500 companies, such as Dell Computer Corp., have already adapted e-commerce into their business operation. As I have mentioned earlier, Dell Computer Corp. is currently generating over 1 million dollars in revenues from their web-site. Many well-known "brick & mortar" businesses are starting to establish their presence on the web. For example, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, the top book retailer in North America, has just launched their web-site earlier this year following the success of, the top book & music seller on the web, has been referred to have one of the most efficient business operation in the world today.


Based on the conclusion of this study, I recommend the following:

- Every business should implement an e-commerce solution into the business operation.

Works Cited

"E-Commerce Times: Everything You Wanted to Know About Doing Business Online." E-Commerce Times. 1999. (9 August 1999).

"E-Marketer, Where Business Begins On-line." E-Marketer. 1999. (9 August 1999).

"E-Retail, News and Information for Internet Retailers." E-Retail. 1999. (9 August 1999).

"The Electronic Commerce Guide."'s Electronic Commerce Guide. 1999. . (9 August 1999).

"Forrester Research: Helping Businesses Thrive on Technology Change." Forrester Research. 1999. (9 August 1999).

"Jupiter Communication: Market Research on the Consumer Online Industry." Jupiter Communication. 1999. (9 August 1999).

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Friday, December 30, 2011

How To Stop Nose Bleeds, Is Cauterization A Permanent Solution To Nose Bleeds?

Congratulations on taking the first step towards eliminating Nosebleeds from your life by FINDING THIS ARTICLE. I do not occur nosebleeds frequently but had faced severe two events only and still remember the 2nd one that needs me to cauterize the vein inside my right nostril.

Roll In The Deep

I think it's not necessary to write regarding the cause of nose bleeds. Although most of the doctors suggest dislocation of septum i,e bone at the small separation between the two nostrils is a cause of nosebleed and only the permanent solution for stopping nose bleed is a major operation for correcting this bone, as per my findings through a study of different informations, nosebleeds can be controlled with the following simple steps

This article is about Roll In The Deep

During the Nose Bleed

Thumbs Up Method

1. Stay calm, slowly taking deep breaths.

2. With your hand (same hand as the bleeding nostril,) make a 'thumbs up' sign.

3. Press your thumb against your nostril's side, not so hard that it hurts, but firmly

enough to flatten the nostril.

4. Stay still, leaning forward slightly.

5. Stay in place for 5-10 minutes, breathing normally.

6. Slowly release the pressure; it may feel a bit weird as the blood flows back into your

nasal vessels.

Pinching Method

1. Pinch your nose just below the bridge. There is a vein just below the nose bone that is the culprit in 99% of bloody noses. Pinching puts pressure on it, which arrests the bleeding and speeds the clotting process.

2. Find a bathroom as you continue pinching. Now that you have slowed the bleeding by pinching, you should find a bathroom where you can clean up once the bleeding has stopped.

3. Keep applying pressure for at least 5 minutes at a time. Don't check to see if it is still bleeding over this period of time as it is important to keep continuous pressure. After this period of time let go briefly to see if the bleeding has stopped. If not, give it another 5 minutes. (This is also a good time to quickly wash any blood off your hands and get a paper towel or toilet paper to pinch with so that blood gets on the paper and not your hand.) If it is, continue pinching. Don't check every 30 seconds, as the key is constant pressure.

Pressure Method

1. Find the two very slight depressions on the back of the skull, approximately four finger-widths from the base of the skull (in line with the tops of the ears) and four finger-widths from the mid-line of the back of the skull. If you had eyes in the back of your head, this is where they would be.

2. Press the spots firmly, but gently, and if you have connected correctly, the bleeding should stop immediately. Keep up the pressure for about five minutes and then release. If the bleeding starts again, just repeat the process, but hold it longer: you may have to keep up the pressure for ten to fifteen minutes to stop it completely.

Upper Lip Method

1. Roll up a piece of gauze or tissue into a "cigar shape" approximately 2 inches long and a little thicker than a pencil. Folding it into a small, thick square also works well.

2. Wedge the tissue under your upper lip where it's tight and close your lip over it.

3. Apply light pressure by compressing your lip over the wad. Tilt your head forward.


1. The green leafy vegetables are a source of Vitamin K, which is needed in trace amounts to help blood to clot. This Vitamin is needed in such small amounts that it's difficult to find it made in tablets all by itself. You need to eat green leafy vegetables regularly.

2. Taking ONE 1000 milligram Vitamin C tablet and ONE cayenne pepper capsule each day with your largest meal, and stay at that dose until you feel comfortable and have regular, normal bowel movements. Remember to drink lots of water at least 20 minutes before your meal, and also after about an hour after your meal. It's best not to drink a lot of water with your meal, as this will dilute your digestive juices and make digestion more difficult--unless, of course, you are severely dehydrated.


It is not common practice for doctors to check patients with a history of epistaxis for genetic disorders, vitamin K deficiencies and/or blood vessel constriction etc. However, these would all be highly logical possible causes to consider and evaluate in patients. Otherwise it will be an undiagnosed nose bleeds.
(The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. By:-Thomas A Edison)

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tips On Lawn Aeration For A Beautiful Healthy Yard

One of the keys to having a healthy and lush lawn is to aerate it when needed. Sometimes what you may think are insect, under watering or fertilizer problems, are actually happening simply because you are not aerating the soil as frequently as you should.

Roll In The Deep

Soil compaction is an enemy of a good healthy lawn, and it happens when the top 4 in. or so of topsoil become compacted to the point where nutrients, oxygen, and water are prevented from circulating around the grass roots properly. When you aerate the soil, you essentially are loosening it up to allow room for nutrients and air to circulate down into the soil. Soil compaction often becomes a problem in high-traffic areas where people and pets seem to frequent, rather than less traveled areas of the lawn.

This article is about Roll In The Deep

A very cheap and inexpensive way to find out if your soil is to compacted and therefore in need of aeration, is to take a simple screwdriver out to your lawn after it has been watered and try to push the screwdriver down into the soil. If the screwdriver goes into the soil with almost no resistance at all, then there is no compaction problem that you need to be concerned about. But on the other hand, if you find it's difficult to get the screwdriver into the soil, then you'll need to aerate your soil as quickly as possible.

The really good news about lawn aeration is that for most yards it's a very inexpensive thing to do. In fact, if your yard is small to medium sized, and especially if the compaction is limited to just a small section of the yard, you can even use something as simple as a spading fork to aerate your soil in those areas. All you have to do is push the tines of the fork into the soil as far as you can and then rock them back and forth. Do this throughout the area that has the compaction problem.

Another very inexpensive solution is to purchase a sod coring tool that actually removes small cores of soil and deposits them on the lawn. These plugs that are left behind contain microorganisms from deep in the ground that can even help decompose the thatch that may have developed in your lawn. So using a coring tool can be beneficial in a number of ways for your yard.

If you have a larger yard, the two methods mentioned above may simply require too much labor to perform. So the best solution in this case would be a power driven core aerater that can be rented usually at a tool rental or local garden store. This machine essentially does exactly what a sod coring tool does, except it automates the process. It also will leave the core plugs on your lawn, which as was mentioned can be very beneficial in themselves, or you can also rake them up and remove them if you wish.

When aerating your lawn, its good too go in one direction first, and then go over the entire lawn in a different direction, perpendicular to what you had just done. If you use this method to go over the entire lawn at least twice you should get great results from your aerating.

If there are spots in your yard where the grass is sparse, you can also combine seeding and aerating at the same time. In this case, you'll need to go over the lawn perhaps six or seven times to make plenty of holes for the seed. But don't apply the seed right away. Wait for about a month or so to let the yard heal after the aeration first.

Lawn aeration is a very important, but often overlooked part of good lawn care. But if you follow the guidelines given above you should be able to have a beautiful, healthy, green lawn in no time.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How to Stripe a Parking Lot - Line Removal

Line Removal - I can't make it easy, but, I can make it easier. I have (3) topics or types of Line Removal.

Roll In The Deep

1) A wire brush, for small mistakes.
2) A "Scarifier".
3) A "Shot Blaster".

This article is about Roll In The Deep

First; A Wire Brush. Everyone carries a wire brush. One might look like an 18" toothbrush. The wires are about 1" long. Another may look like a wood block. Wires are 1" long and the wood block is 3" x 8". It's a scrub brush! Next, buy boxes of rags and have one within reach. And, you'll have the cutting agent for the particular type of paint. So if your machine does not shut off (notice how it's the machine's fault), and the line is too long, grab the brush and try to quickly scrub it off. If your rag is closer, wipe it up quickly before it dries. That way, you'll have less to wire brush off. And if you can wet the rag with the cutting agent to wipe it off before it dries, you'll do well. It's not easy. It's not fun. But, it's not hard either. This "elbow grease" job only lasts for a minute. And you're a responsible person. So forget ego and scrub.

Next; A Scarifier, pronounced "scare", but, think "scar"...because that's what you're going to do. You'll scar the pavement by scratching it. You've probably seen this, on the street. If you move a traffic lane, you cannot simply "black out" the old line. You need to remove it, so people don't crash. And, the end result is this; you've seen the "scratches" where the old line was. They're not too deep. But they are there. This "path" is about 8" wide. (The scars or scratches look like grooves.) You've just "scratched" = "scarred" the road. You've removed the old line, taking a little bit of the road too. But, the line is gone! The small hand operated machine that does the work, looks like a hand operated Garden Tiller. It's called a Scarifier. Rent it. It costs something like 0.00 per (4) hours or 0.00 per day. And you may have to pay for the blades. They look like the sprockets from a bicycle.

Or, "Sub" the job out, which means, call someone with a Scarifier to grind off the lines. If they charge 0.00 for removing 30 lines or an abandoned Crosswalk, hire them. Try to be there, to help. Maybe you can help clean up. That's next. Picture grinding a parking lot using an 8" grinder, walking slower than normal. There's debris. Bring (5) gallon buckets, a blower, (big or small) a large dust pan and an 8', big broom. You can blow the debris to a spot and sweep it up, then haul it away. Or you can sweep every line, (the debris doesn't really fly very far and this saves blowing off the entire lot, unless you bid for that too). Here's some good news; I hear the debris is a fantastic base. It may be. Or, dump it at a local Landfill. Charges may be .00. Call your local Landfill. Check me on costs. Check me on the Grinder's Rental cost too. Pricing varies...I think the going rate is.40 to .00 per foot. So, if you have a "Scarifier", you may also get jobs from other stripers. Bid fair. Help them. Don't steal their client. You'll need help on a job one day, too.

Last; A Shot Blaster. Think of it as a Sand Blaster. But, instead of using Sand to Blast off the line, and what a mess that would be, a Shot Blaster uses metal "Shot". Yes, just like the metal BB's that are inside a Shotgun Shell, called Shot. So, it's called a Shot Blaster and we are Shot Blasting. Shot blasting is a bit specialized. It's used almost exclusively for "roughing up" concrete, so that, the paint will be able to get a better "grip" on it and hopefully last longer. can Shot Blast either the entire floor before you paint the entire floor. Or, you can Shot Blast only where you're going to stripe. Or, use the Shot Blaster just to "clean off" ugly, disgusting concrete. And'll be "roughing up" the smooth, and sometimes, shiny surface of a concrete floor. Such as, warehouse floors or parking garages.

Warehouse floors have (2) strikes against them.

(1)...they're smooth...they're shiny. The paint won't stick.
(2)...they see enormous volumes of hard traffic.

There are fork lifts at the dock area. Floors are smooth and fork lifts pirouette. Paint won't last. So, Shot Blast, first.

Parking Garages also have (2) strikes.

(1) They're filthy.
(2) They're really filthy.

So again, the Shot Blaster will "rough up" the surface by blasting it with metal BB's and also remove the filth and paint that's there. The new surface will now resemble the "prickly" surface of the outside sidewalk. Now we can do a couple things; paint it; the paint can now "grip" the surface, or, walk away. It's clean! A note here; If you're Shot Blasting the entire floor, it's called Shot Blasting. If you're only Shot Blasting where you plan to stripe, it's called "Track Blasting". 8" wide "tracks". Your stripe will then go "on" or "in" this "track". Track Blasting. Another note; pretend you're Shot Blasting an entire floor. If you move methodically and if you move at a consistent speed, you'll do well. But, if you stop to look at the pretty people, your Shot Blaster won't stop. You'll have an area rougher = "alot prickly". So, if it's filthy, go a little slower. If's if not too bad, you can move a little more quickly. But, I wouldn't stop. Don't just stop.

Now the machines. Basically (2) types; electric = plug it in or, gas engine. And (3) sizes; a dinky one, a medium sized one and a big one that you ride! First, if you rent the dinky one or the medium sized one, you'll also rent the vacuum system with it. The vacuum system vacuums up the debris you'll create, which are very small chips of concrete. It also collects most of the BB's. A few fly all over the place. You must wear eye protection and ear plugs. Then, walk around with a "magnet broom" to pick up remnant BB's. The vacuum gets most. You'll like the "Big Boy". It vacuums itself. The rent does not include the trailer. If you have a trailer, cool, if not, rent the trailer with it.

Now, about those BB's. Ask the Equipment Rental Company how many bags of BB's you'll need. Then? Buy more than that. You can always return them and get your money back. Besides, you're bringing the machine back anyhow. Do not run out of BB's.

OK? (3) machines; (2) types; = Dinky, medium and big; electric = plug in, or gas. Dinky and medium need a vacuum. "Big Boy" has his own and you can ride him, but, you'll also need a trailer to tote him around.

(3) types of jobs; Shot Blasting, "Track Blasting" and "Just Clean The Concrete".

Line Removal. (This is my recap = recapitulate.)

A) A Wire Brush, Rag, Cleaning Agent, Elbow Grease.
B) A Scarifier, Empty (5) Gallon Buckets, Blower, Large Dust Pan, Large Broom.
C) Shot Blaster, Eye and Ear Protection,
(5) gallon buckets to empty the vacuum. (Or hire someone else to do it = a "Sub" contractor = "under" you = "Sub" it out.)

I hope this primer helped. Find your niche. Work hard. At least you know basics. See ya. Dan Zurcher American Striping Co.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Field Dressing - So You Want to Field Dress a Deer

Field dressing a deer is some kind of job. You've got to have a very strong constitution for it. It's all blood and guts, after all. But you've decided to be a deer hunter, so you've got to be able to do it and do it well. Sure don't want to waste your catch by spoiling the meat. Prepare yourself. This is one experience you'll never forget.

Roll In The Deep

You'll need a handful of tools for the field dressing procedure. At the minimal, you should have the following:

This article is about Roll In The Deep

- very sharp knife that's comfortable in your hand

- disposable latex or vinyl gloves

- small saw for cutting through bone

- short light rope around 10 feet in length

- very clean cloth (several is better)

- sealable bag for the heart and liver (if you'd like to save them)

Now you're ready. Okay. You've gone and caught a deer. It's time to get busy.

There are two very important rules to keep in mind at all times. One: Don't rush. You're working with a very sharp knife. Two: Don't take your eyes off of your work when your hands are moving. Cutting your hands will slow you way down for they're the ones doing the work. If you do get a cut, seal it well to protect yourself from the deer's blood. You don't know what it may be carrying.

First thing is to ready your work area. Move the deer to a visible location, especially visible to other hunters in the area. Place a bright orange cloth (or something as noticeable) high overhead on a tree branch. Lay your tools out by the carcass at a safe, reachable distance, preferably in the order you'll be using them. Remove heavy coats and wrist units. Tie back whatever may block your view, or fall into your work space.

Be in the right frame of mind. Don't go handling a very sharp knife if you're tired, upset or distracted. Even if you are just overly cold or have numbing fingers. Most important, don't use a dull knife. It'll overwork you, frustrate and upset you. This promotes accidental injuries or stray cuts that could spoil the meat. Safety must come first.

The straight cut. Place the carcass with its back on the ground, head facing up and higher than the rest of the body. With your gloves on, your first cut will be an incision just below the breastbone (sternum) with the knife's edge facing up. Insert your index and middle finger, facing up and through the cut. Form a "V" and push the hide upwards. Position your up-facing knife between your fingers. This will help prevent cutting of internal organs which would result in tainting the meat. Following the direction of the hair, continue your incision, with knife between fingers, all the way to the penis of a buck or to the udder of a doe.

First removal stage. Make a 2 inch deep incision around the rectum, cutting in a circular motion as you move around it. If fecal matter is present, tie off the rectum. Pull it into the body cavity so that it is now only attached to the intestines.

- For a buck, remove the testicles. Reach into the body cavity and remove the

penis at its base.

- For a doe, cut all the way around the udder and remove it.

Second removal stage. While it isn't necessary, it is recommended that you split the sternum and the pelvic bone in half with a saw. It will facilitate cooling of the carcass and make it so much easier to remove the internal organs. Locate the bladder as a pear-shaped sac in the lower abdomen. Pinch or tie it off and cut it free, taking special care not to leak any urine that may be present (use your cloth). Place the bladder a safe distance away from your work space. If necessary, use the extra clothes to clean away any leaks coming from the internal organs before and after they are removed. Keep an eye out for dirt or debris that might've entered the body cavity and remove it.

Roll the carcass to one side. Most of the internal organs will come loose at this point. Cut away all connective tissue still holding any organs and intestines in place. If necessary, roll the carcass to the opposite side and cut what tissue still clings. Roll it back over. Be sure that the body has drained of all fluids before proceeding.

Remove the diaphragm to have access to the chest cavity. This is a strong membranous muscle that separates the chest cavity, with heart and lungs, from the abdominal cavity. Reach up as far as you can to remove as much of the windpipe as you're able. Now remove the remaining organs, heart, lungs and liver. Use the sealable bag to save the heart and liver, if you like. And you're done.

Please, properly dispose of all organs that were removed, including any and all body parts. Use the rope to drag the deer out of the field. This is most popularly done by the feet and not the head.

There you have it. A fast and straight forward procedure for properly field dressing a deer. Be careful out there. Be safe. And good luck!

July 2008

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Ice Cream Cake Recipe - Easy Ice Cream Cake Recipe

If you're in the mood for an ice cream cake, but don't want to spend a lot of prep time in the kitchen, this recipe really takes the cake! You can substitute sherbet or sorbet for the ice cream for an nice variation.

Roll In The Deep

1 (10-inch) angel food cake

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1/2 gallon any flavor ice cream


Let ice cream sit on the counter awhile until it softens enough where you can spread it easily (do not let it melt).

Pull angel food cake into 2-inch chunks. Layer the cake chunks on the bottom of a 9-inch or 10-inch tube pan. With a large knife, spread a layer of the softened ice cream over the cake chunks. Add another layer of cake on top of the ice cream. Keep repeating the layers until you've used up all the cake and ice cream.

Put the cake into the freezer and freeze for 2 to three hours. Before serving, carefully remove the cake from the pan and place on a serving dish. Top with your favorite sundae sauce.

=> Ice Cream Cake Recipe: Ice Cream Sandwich Cake Recipe

A delicious and really easy to make ice cream sandwich dessert recipe. For a little variety, try caramel ice cream topping instead of, or in addition to, the chocolate topping. Additional garnishes - nuts, candy sprinkles and maraschino cherries

16 - 24 ice cream sandwiches

1 (16 oz.) container frozen whipped topping

1 (12 oz.) jar chocolate hot fudge topping

1 (1.5 oz.) chocolate candy bar, grated


In a 9 x 13-inch baking dish, place half of the ice cream bars on the bottom of the dish, side by side. Spread half of the chocolate fudge on top of the ice cream bars. Spread half of the whipped topping on top of the fudge.

Place the remaining ice cream bars on top of the first layer and repeat with layers of chocolate fudge sauce and whipped topping. Sprinkle the grated chocolate on top.

Cover and freeze the cake for 1 hour. Keep the unused portion covered and frozen.

=> Fried Ice Cream Recipe: Mexican Fried Ice Cream Recipe

You'll find this tantalizing dessert served in many Mexican restaurants. Try substituting caramel or butterscotch topping for the honey. Also you can try using 2 parts cornflakes crumbs mixed with 1 part crushed vanilla wafers.

1 quart vanilla ice cream

3 cups crushed cornflakes cereal or cornflake crumbs

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3 egg whites

2 quarts oil for deep frying

Whipped Cream


Maraschino Cherries


Scoop out 8 balls of ice cream and place on a baking sheet, return ice cream balls to freezer and freeze for 1 hour, or until firm.

In a shallow bowl or dish, combine the cornflakes and the cinnamon. Roll each frozen ice cream ball in half of the cornflake mixture, return to freezer for 15 minutes.

In a separate dish, beat the egg whites until foamy. Dip each frozen ice cream ball in the egg whites, then roll them in the remaining cornflake crumbs. Make sure the ice cream is covered up completely. For thicker coating, repeat the process. Freeze ice cream balls for 3 hours or until very firm.

When you are ready to serve the ice cream, heat up the cooking oil in a deep fat fryer or heavy saucepan to 375 degrees.

Place each ice cream ball into a wire frying basket or slotted spoon. Fry one or two of the balls at a time for 10 to 15 seconds, until the coating is a golden brown color. Drain on paper towels.

Serve immediately. Garnish with whipped topping, drizzled honey and maraschino a cherry on top.

=> Easy Homemade Ice Cream Recipe: Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

This is an extremely light and simple ice cream recipe to make that is homemade and tastes really good considering there's only 3 ingredients. You can spice it up by adding crushed chocolate sandwich cookies or any kind of fruit.

8 cups milk

2 cups white sugar

1 tablespoon vanilla extract


In a freezer canister or ice cream maker, combine the milk, sugar and vanilla. Freeze according to manufacturers directions.

Note: For a richer tasting ice cream, add 1 can of evaporated milk and use 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract.

=> Homemade Ice Cream Recipe: French Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe

French vanilla ice cream is richer tasting than regular vanilla ice cream. This recipe will have you craving more of that smooth, creamy vanilla flavor.

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

3 egg yolks, beaten

1 tablespoon vanilla

2 cups whipping cream, chilled


In a saucepan or double boiler, mix the sugar, salt, milk and egg yolks. Cook over medium heat, continuously stirring until bubbles appear around the edge of the pan.

Ice Cream Cake Recipe - Easy Ice Cream Cake Recipe People search Roll In The Deep and look in this page

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Friday, December 23, 2011

What Determines the Sex of A Baby?

I have a few blogs set up to help couples who are trying to conceive a specific gender achieve this through natural, inexpensive methods that can work at home. I'm often asked "what exactly goes into determining the sex of the baby?" I'll answer this question in the following article. And, I'll tell you how (and why) these things work and how to make them best work for you, whether you're trying for a girl or boy baby.

Roll In The Deep

Both The Mother And Father To Be (Male And Female) Play A Role In Your Baby's Gender: At the end of the day, the most persuasive thing that will determine your baby's sex is which sperm chromosome fertilizes the egg first. A Y chromosome fertilizing the egg will result in a son, while an X chromosome fertilizing an egg will result in a daughter. But, it's not as simple as it sounds. Many variables go into giving one chromosome an advantage over the other. Timing of conception, the sexual positions used, and the PH and acidity of the mother, all play a role in determining who will ultimately win this gender race.

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But, to understand why this is so, you first need to understand that these chromosomes behave in different ways. The X sperm (girl) is very strong and hardy. It can live days without weakening or dying off and it's not affected as much by acidity. On the other hand, the Y (boy) sperm is very fast. In a fair race, it would likely win. But in gender selection, the race is rarely fair. That's because the Y sperm are also very weak. They can not live for more than a day or so without starting to weaken and die off. That's why the other variables I mentioned above (timing, sexual positions, and acidity and PH) can be so important in tipping the odds in your favor.

What It All Means: Everything that I discuss in this article is meant to do the same thing. If you want to have a girl baby, we're trying to give the boy sperm the longest, hardest, most hostile trip to the egg as is possible so that it's their weakness (and not their speed) that comes into play. But, if you want a boy baby, you're trying to downplay the Y sperm's weakness and take advantage of it's speed. Below, I will discuss the ways to do this.

Timing And Your Baby's Sex Or Gender: Timing your conception to correspond with certain days of your fertility cycle can be a very effective way of giving your desired gender an advantage. If you want a daughter, you'd want to conceive around 3 days before you ovulate. This window is too long for many boy sperm to survive, but the stronger girl sperm will not be affected. Likewise, if you want a son, you should wait until the day of ovulation, as these weak little guys need the egg waiting for them, not the other way around.

I know this seems easy and straight forward and it should be, but so many people just guesstimate their window. They either assume that they ovulate halfway through their cycle or they try to chart their temperate or gage their cervical mucus. All of these methods are not as reliable as they should be. For this reason, I much prefer ovulation predictors, especially the saliva kind.

How Sexual Or Intercourse Positions Influence A Baby's Gender: So, again we're following the same idea that we want to give boy sperm a long trip to the egg if we want a female baby (and a short trip if we want a male.) Another way to do this is to use shallow penetration if we're trying to conceive a girl and deep penetration if you want a male baby. This is pretty easy for most couples to remember and accomplish, but it alone is usually not enough to give you high enough odds or to entirely eliminate the sperm chromosomes that you don't want. In order to really work, it must be used in conjunction with other methods, which leads me too....

How The Female Or Mother-To-Be's PH And Acidity Helps Determine A Baby's Sex: Hopefully, I've shown that although the man's sperm chromosomes are important, the female has a lot of affect on the baby's gender in terms of timing and sexual positions. However, her PH and acidity are also very important.

A woman with a high PH would be more likely to conceive a girl because Y sperm can not survive for long in this hostile environment. Likewise, a woman with a low PH would more likely get a boy, as this environment is more friendly to Y sperm who can then use their speed to their full advantage.

So, if you want a daughter, you'll need to raise this level. If you want a boy, you'll need to lower it. Other than timing, this is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle, but it scares a lot of people because it seems difficult. It doesn't have to be. First, get some PH testers at a health food store and learn your level. (It's likely you'll need to go up or down from where you already fall.) You do this by going on a high acid or low acid diet (depending on which gender you want.) Or, you can douche with specific formulas based on where your reading fell. For the quickest results, using both sometimes is more effective than choosing only one - although you can achieve the desired results with only one of these, but it make take longer.

The beauty of this method is that you can continue to use the strips to determine your progress and when you're reached the level where you need to be. And, there are food lists and recipes that you can help you with this. It's important to address all of these variables for the best results. Just approach this in a step by step, logical way. Determine ovulation first. Then, test and achieve your optimal PH. Finally, when all systems are go, use the correct position to place the sperm closer or further away from the egg, depending on which gender you want.

What Determines the Sex of A Baby? People search Roll In The Deep and look in this page

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Consumer Credit Card Debt Relief Scams! Are They Real?

I have been in the credit card debt relief industry for just about 10 years now and have been in the financial industry for over 20 years. The point of this article is to give people a heads up on debt relief companies also known as debt settlement or debt negotiation companies. I will give you the pro's and con's of this process and what to watch out for when interviewing a company to help you get out of debt. Before I go on I want to let you know that this will be a rather long article and by the end of it my goal is to have you understand how the debt negotiation/settlement process works in case you don't already know and I would like you to understand the tactics of companies out there that do not truly have your best interest at heart.

Roll In The Deep

First I would like to state that the process of debt negotiation as your means of consumer debt relief is not for everyone, some people are better suited for bankruptcy and others do not have the correct mindset to go through this process.

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I would like you to first understand what debt negotiation is and how it works. The goal of a debt negotiator is to obtain a debt settlement for you on the current debt amount you owe your creditor. So for example you may owe one particular creditor ,000 so the goal of the negotiator would be to have you end up paying back say ,000. The two main benefits of going through this process are to save money on what you currently owe your creditors and to save time. By just paying the minimum payment with even a modest interest rate you will be looking at 30 or more years to become debt free, with a sound debt negotiation program you will be out of debt within 2-3 years or sooner depending on your current financial situation.

Now you must understand these are great benefits but as with anything in life there are drawbacks, nothing is perfect and this consumer debt relief procedure is no different. For starters your creditors will not be willing to negotiate a debt settlement at all if you are current with your monthly minimum payments. They would prefer you to stay on their credit treadmill for the next thirty years and pay them back over four times the balance in interest alone. So you must fall behind on your payments to put the creditors into a position where they will be willing to settle. Once you stop paying them the ball game changes completely and they will then be willing to talk in terms of negotiating a settlement.

So obviously for some people the beginning of this process will have a negative effect on their credit score. For those who are already falling behind then the negative effect will be no different than it already is. Unfortunately for some people this will be the deterring factor that keeps them from going into debt settlement making them a slave to their creditors for the next thirty years. The good news is that this negative effect does not last forever, in fact once the settlements start coming through your credit score will begin to rebound and go back up. The reason being over 30% of your credit score according to MyFICO is based on how much debt you owe. But if you are stuck in a bad debt situation even if you are current with your payments your score is probably not all that good in the first place, and besides when stuck deep in debt your focus should be on how to get out of debt as quickly as possible, not on your ability to accrue future debt.

Now by falling behind on your debts you must understand that these creditors are just not going to roll over and play dead, they will be calling to try and collect the debt. For some this is not a problem at all, for others it is, that is why I stated above this process is not for everyone and the consumer must be in the correct mind set. From my years of helping people there is no rhyme or reason to how many calls you will receive some clients of mine barely get calls while others get them almost everyday. Something to keep in mind too is that no company has the power to legally stop the calls, so any company that tells you they can is flat out lying.

As you can see like I said earlier there are pro's and con's, but if you can accept the con's you will be quickly on the road to financial freedom and will save a lot of money in the process. Now to get to the meat of the matter and why I named this article "consumer credit card debt relief scams".

We here in America over the past couple of years have been experiencing a very negative downturn in our economy. Thus putting many consumers in a compromising position financially, leaving boat loads of people stuck in credit card debt. So naturally this opened up a much larger market for debt negotiation. Many fly by night companies have been popping up all over the country, many of which are ex mortgage brokers who sold people bad loans and helped them get into this sticky position in the first place. Now I use the word scam which can take on a few meanings, while yes there are some companies out there that are flat out scams and have no intent on doing any work for you at all, most of the times that is not the case. Instead many companies simply do not give people all the facts on how debt negotiation works nor do they truly put them on a plan for success, which I will explain in a minute.

One common issue that most consumers have with debt settlement companies is they do not fully tell them about how the process works, instead they sugar coat things and just preach about the great benefits. I have spoken to countless amounts of people who have signed up with companies and were under the impression that they were going to stay current with their creditors and will never receive any calls. So needless to say this became a huge problem once they began.

Another major problem a lot of these companies have is deceiving people into the kind of savings they will be getting on their debts. Some companies will say they will save you 70% of what you owe. Now while they may get settlements that low what their opting not to tell you is how much you will be saving after you have A) paid them their fees, and B) paid back the creditors. Honest companies will tell you what your true savings will be. If you will save somewhere between 40-50% of what you owe including their fees and paying the creditors than that is pretty darn good. Plus many of these companies will try and guarantee a certain amount of savings, if you hear this run for the hills. NO one in this industry can guarantee a certain amount that is why it is called DEBT NEGOTIATION! They are negotiating to get a settlement for as low as they can get.

Then there are the companies who will let you pay whatever you can to get on their program. These are the worst because they do not truly have your interest at heart and know they are setting you up to fail and not succeed. You must understand to achieve the type of savings I stated above this process should take no more than three years, preferably two or less. And the bottom line is some people simply cannot get it done in that time frame and should realistically be looking into bankruptcy. What these unscrupulous consumer debt relief companies will do is put you on a program for 4 or more years and basically accepts whatever payment you can afford. Knowing full well you are not going to be saving much of anything and will more than likely fail off the program, all they care about is getting the fees and that is it. An honest company will diligently review your budget with you and make sure this is something that you can manage, as well as fully explain to you both the benefits and drawbacks of doing this. And let you make the conscience decision as to whether this is the best consumer debt relief method for your situation.

Another very good way to evaluate a company is to make sure they are registered with the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and that they are in good standings with very few complaints. And if there are complaints make sure they were resolved to the clients liking.

Consumer Credit Card Debt Relief Scams! Are They Real? People search Roll In The Deep and look in this page

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How To Install Blown In Attic Insulation


Roll In The Deep

I have just completed an addition to my house. I've heard that blown in insulation is better than batts since covers the joists completely and leaves no open areas. Do you have any do it yourself suggestions?

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Yes you are correct. Blown in insulation is better that batts when installed properly as it does seal the attic better.

First you need to measure your attic area that you plan on insulating. Most attics require a value of R-30, R-38 or R-49, depending on your climate and location. Once you know the square footage of your attic you can determine how much insulation you'll need by simple looking on the chart located on the bag of insulation.

Before you get started you will need to determine what materials you will need. Assuming your home has recessed lights, ceiling and bathroom fans and eave vents you will need the following tools and materials:

Loose Fill Insulation

Cardboard Baffles


Duct Tape

Staple Hammer and Staples

Utility Knife


Insulation Blowing Machine (Available at your local rental store)

The attic will need preparation before you can actually blow insulation into it. Make sure you are wearing a dust mask, protective goggles and a long sleeve shirt. Recessed lights must have flashing installed around them leaving a open space of at least four inches from the flashing to the light. Using a utility knife cut a piece of flashing of the correct length and form it into a cylinder shape, securing the edge with duct tape. Place over recessed light leaving a four inch open area. This allows for the heat to escape. Use the same process for any vented kitchen or bathroom fans in the attic area.

The next step is baffles. This is a chore nobody enjoys. The baffles need be installed by using your staple hammer and install them where the ceiling joists intersect with roof rafters. Make sure you only install the baffles over the vents and that they are high enough so the vents won't get covered with insulation. Now that you've installed you might want to climb out of the attic and give you back a much needed rest.

The next step of preparation is to make a dam around the attic access hole. The easiest way is to cut a few extra cardboard baffles into lengths of about 4 inches above the amount of insulation you plan on installing. Simply staple them around the perimeters of the access hole. This will allow for a uniform depth in the insulation you are blowing in.

So you don't have to keep crawling in and out of the attic it's best to have another person outside helping you load the insulation blowing machine. Hint: If you're using fiberglass insulation have your helper add about a cup of water per bag, spreading it over the top after its loaded into the machine. This will help cut down static electricity when you are blowing the insulation and it will lay down more evenly when installing it. After the bag of insulation is loaded into the hopper it will take several minutes before the next bag is needed. Don't let your helper be lazy. Have him get on the ladder and pull excess hose out of the attic for you so you don't get tangled in it.

I've found blowing insulation into the attic is a simple process. Start and the far ends of the attic. Going back and forth make sure its level and smooth. Make sure to get all areas of the attic and don't fill any vents or recessed light areas. Take a tape measure with you and check the levels once in a while. As an example, if your installing an R-38 of fiberglass insulation you would want it to measure 16 inches deep. As you work your way back near the attic access make sure your helper is getting that excess hose out of the way. When you get to about 6 feet from the access hole stop the machine so you can get on the ladder. Once on the ladder finish installing, making sure to bring the level evenly against the dam you previously built.

The final step is to place a piece of batt insulation in the access hole and carefully put the attic hole lid back into place. Now your done! Stay out of that attic as much as possible from this point as loose fill insulation that has been stepped on or crushed looses it's R value.

How To Install Blown In Attic Insulation People search Roll In The Deep and look in this page

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Glass Industry Terms - Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Glass But Were Afraid to Ask

What is frit? Frit is an industry term for the paint that is applied around the perimeter of the automotive glass parts. One of the key ingredients in frit is a glass ceramic particle that fuses to the glass surface making it a very durable and scratch resistant surface.

Roll In The Deep

Why is frit (paint) on the glass? Frit serves two roles on the glass. First, it is a cosmetic feature that is used to hide interior trim and pinchweld details. Early model vehicles used wide moldings to obscure what would otherwise be exposed areas. As moldings became smaller to the point of nonexistence on several current models, the frit had a greater role in covering unfinished areas of the vehicle. Secondly, the frit inhibits UV degradation of urethane adhesives. While the frit will not completely block the UV rays from passing through the glass, it does significantly reduce UV light transmission. Most urethanes are not UV stable. If urethane is left exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time, it will yellow and turn chalky. Presence of the frit will extend the lifetime of the urethane adhesive system.

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How many types of frit are there? There are hundreds of types of frits developed for automotive glass applications. The most common automotive glass frits we use are black, gray and white although other colors are available. Frit pastes are developed to work in combination with the processing requirements needed for a specific part. Each paste is developed for the specific furnace time and temperature parameters used to fabricate parts at a manufacturing location. It is not uncommon for a glass manufacturing facility to work with a dozen different frit pastes.

How is frit applied to the glass? Frit is applied to the glass utilizing a silk screen method. It is very similar to the method used to silk screen T-shirts. An image of the frit design is developed for the glass in the bent or curved shape. Then the image is unwrapped and flattened. A silk screen is made to allow the frit to pass through openings in the screen. The openings correspond to the final design image. The frit is a thick paste that is put onto the screen. Squeegees are used to push the frit paste through the screen openings and onto the glass. Frit is applied to the glass while it is in the flat position before it is processed through the furnace. The furnace helps to cure the frit and to fuse it to the glass surface. Every part with each different design has a unique silk screen. Silk screens are constantly being maintained throughout the life of a part. Because of the fragile nature of the screens, they will wear out and commonly need to be remade throughout the lifetime of a part in production.

What is Batch glass? Batch is a glass reference term that identifies a part of the manufacturing process. The raw components of glass are properly proportioned and mixed in batches for delivery to the furnace. Even though glass is made in a continual process that runs 24 hours a day, every day of the year, the raw materials are added as needed in batches. To state that a glass is batch glass, it implies that there is not any post manufacturing materials, i.e. a film or coating, applied to the glass. Batch glass gets all its characteristics from the raw materials that are used to make the glass. In the case of privacy or solar batch glass, the dark colorants and UV inhibitors are mixed in with the original ingredients in the batch to make the glass.

What is Float glass? Float glass refers to the glass manufacturing process. The raw components of glass are melted in a furnace between a temperature range of 240OF to 2850 F. A continual process is established as the molten glass is moved from the furnace to the tin bath where it is supported on molten tin until the glass cools from the slurry state to a temperature where the glass becomes solid. The float process was developed by Pilkington during 1950's and is now considered the primary state of the art process for manufacturing automotive and architectural glass.

What is the tin side and what is the air side of glass? As mentioned earlier, the float glass process involves floating molten glass on.molten tin. The molten tin is smooth enough to give glass its flat surfaces. The tin and glass are like oil and water, they don't mix. However, the side of glass that is in contact with tin during the float process does pick up a microscopic layer of tin. This is considered the tin side of float glass. The top side of glass is called the air or atmosphere side. To detect the tin side of glass, hold an UV light at an angle to the glass surface. The tin side will glow and the air side will not.

What is Soft-Ray and what is Solar-Ray'? Soft-Ray and Solar-Ray are GM Trademarks for the glass used in their vehicles. It identifies the TYPE of glass used for construction and can appear on either laminated or tempered glass. LOF uses E-Z-Eye glass for the production of Soft-Ray parts and EZKool solar control glass for Solar-Ray parts. PPG uses Solex and Solar Green respectively. Deep Tint Solar-Ray is another GM trademark that appears on dark colored solar control parts.

What is a monogram? A monogram is often referred to as the bug or trademark. Every automotive piece of glass is required by law to have an identifying mark on the glass that will be visible once that glass is in the correctly installed position in the vehicle. These marks are usually painted on the glass, but they can also be sand blasted or acid etched into the surface.

What is in a monogram? For automotive applications, there are certain governmental items that must be in the monogram including a department of transportation (DOT) number, the model (M) number and the glass type (AS-1, AS-2, AS-3 etc.) Monograms can also include information such as the brand name of the glass, the company name that made the glass, the company logo, the country of origin and a date code identifying when the glass was manufactured.

Is there anyway to determine what a part is by the monogram on the glass? Unfortunately, the majority of monograms do not have any information in it to help determine what an unmarked part is. However, we are starting to see more parts marked with the NAGS number in the Monogram. As more of this is done, it will be easier to correctly identify unknown parts.

2-What is the difference between AS-1, AS-2 and AS-3 glasses codes? For automotive applications, the three most common types of glass are AS-1, AS-2, and AS-3. All windshields must be marked with the AS-1 code which is on laminated glass having light transmission greater than 70%. All tempered glass that has light transmission above 70% is marked with an AS-2 code. All glass, laminated or tempered, that has less then 70% light transmission will have an AS-3 Code.

What is a DOT code? The DOT number identifies the glass manufacturer. The acronym DOT stands for Department of Transportation. Each glazing manufacture must apply for a DOT number in order to sell glazings for vehicles in the United States of America. Each DOT number is assigned by the government and is unique for every manufacturer. Every piece of glass that is made must contain that DOT code if it is to be sold in the automotive market.

What is an M number? The M number is a model number that is assigned by all glass manufacturing companies. Each company establishes their own M number system that is unique to that organization. The M number identifies the specific glass construction. It can identify the glass details used to manufacture a part such as glass color and thickness. One Model number might apply to 50 different part numbers. Each Model number is tested every year for compliance with the governmental regulations. Most of the time, a part number cannot be determined by the M number.

How can I determine whether the glass in a car is original or a replacement? If you don't know the history of the car, one-way to identify a piece of glass is to check the monogram on the glass. If you, knew the manufacturer of the original glass, check the DOT (Department of Transportation) number on the glass in the car. If the DOT number doesn't belong to the OE glass supplier, then the part was a replacement. If the number does match, then check the date code on the glass. Most manufacturers mark the monogram with a means of identifying the month and year of glass production, sometimes even the date and shift! Since each company does it differently, you'll have to contact the appropriate manufacturer for their date code conventions, which can include combinations of letters, numbers or even dots over various letters. By comparing the date of the glass with the date of the car assembly, you can determine if they are the same vintage. If the glass date closely matches the vehicle assembly date, chances are the glass is original.

Which side of the vehicle is the right hand side? The RIGHT hand side of the vehicle is the PASSENGER'S side of the vehicle. The DRIVER'S side of the vehicle would be the LEFT-hand side. Rule of thumb, right and left sides are determined by picturing yourself sifting in the car.

When should a non-conductive adhesive be used? If the adhesive will contact the antenna or defroster lines when the part is installed, use a non-conductive adhesive. Non-conductive adhesives prevent interference with antenna systems and heated defroster systems that are contained in the glass. Many new glass parts have the antenna, defroster connections or buss bars around the edge of the glass in the same area that the adhesive is applied to install a glass part. Using a conductive adhesive will affect the performance of the electrical system. Several adhesive manufacturers offer a non-conductive product for these glass applications. Be sure to follow the manufacturers specific instructions for the adhesive system you use.

How do installation methods cause stress cracks? Installation related cracks usually result from a short cut out method, where all of the old urethane bed is not removed prior to installation. If the shape and form of the new glass is not identical to the old urethane bed, the glass could have spots of interference on the adhesive that lead to breaking. Installation related stress could also be formed by using adhesives that are too rigid and don't offer the compression and flexibility required of the adhesive system. Usually, installation related stress cracks would develop over time after the adhesive has been allowed to fully cure.

What is tempered glass? Tempered glass is a single piece of glass that is strengthened through a rapid cooling process. This cooling process tempers the glass by blasting both the top and bottom surfaces with air. The outside surfaces of the glass cool faster than the core of the glass. This action sets up a balance of strains between the surfaces and the core which adds considerable strength to the glass. Tempered glass is difficult to break, but if broken it breaks into small granular pieces.

How are tempered parts made? Glass of the specified thickness is cut to the desired size. Any artwork or paint design is applied to the glass while it is in the flat position. This includes any heated grid lines or antenna lines required on the final part. The glass is loaded into a furnace and is heated to temperatures of 12,000 F. There are multiple processes that could be used to bend the glass as it exits the furnace including roll.

How much force is required to break a tempered backlite? While the strength of tempered glass can seem very high, it is important to recognize that the manner in which tempered glass is broken will affect the strength. Tempered glass is extremely difficult to break with dull, blunt objects. Tempered glass can have a rupture strength of up to 24,000 pounds per square inch. Recall that tempered glass is produced by rapid cooling of the outside glass surfaces which sets up a stress / strain balance.

Why do the heated grid lines on heated backlites sometimes have a redbrown color and other times have a yellow color? The color of the grid lines is predominately determined by the surface of glass that they are printed on. The lines will have a dark appearance when printed on the tin side of glass. The lines will have a brighter yellow or amber color when printed on the air side of glass. Other colors, such as white or light gray, may indicate a potential manufacturing problem with the heated grid lines such as an under fired condition or too much silver. These can result in a heated backlite that does not function correctly.

Is it a defect to see discolored spot patterns on tempered glass? No, the discolored spot patterns on a piece of glass are actually a phenomenon of the tempering process. During tempering, air is forced onto the glass through hundreds of nozzles. The spots are areas where the cool air contacts the glass. The temper spot pattern can indicate how well a piece of glass is tempered. The size and consistency of the discolored areas will vary with the exact process used, but they are present on all tempered parts. The ability to see these patterns is dependent on the angle ' of installation and the lighting conditions. For example, it is easier to see the patterns on a sloping piece of glass at dusk than it is to see them on a vertical piece in bright sunlight.

What is an Innershield? The innershield is a layer of plastic on the innermost piece of glass which was most commonly used on the windshield. The innershield prevented lacerations on an occupant's head and face if they came in contact with the windshield in the event of an accident. The innershield was a popular option on deluxe vehicles about ten years ago.

How is a shadeband put into a windshield? The shadeband is pre-tinted onto the plastic that is placed between the glass plies. The plastic comes in rolls and one end of the roll has the shade color. During processing, it may be required to warp the plastic to curve the shadeband so it will match the curve of the top of, the windshield. After warping, the plastic is cut to size and it is ready to use.

What is delamination? Delamination is the separation of the glass plies and plastic layer in a laminated product such as a windshield. This is also known as an unbonded area (UBA) or an oil blow. Old autoclaving process used hot petroleum to laminate windshields and the oil could seep into the edges causing the windshield to delaminate.

What is bullet proof glass and how is it different from bullet resistant glass? Bullet proof glass is glass that will stop a bullet. Any bullet. To make a glass bullet proof, every type of bullet from every type of gun must be taken into consideration during the design of the glass. Bullet proof glass is actually a composite of glass and plastic layers laminated together to achieve a strong composite that will stop a bullet. Bullet proof glass will be three or more inches thick. Bullet resistant glass is designed for applications with a resistance to a range of specific bullet calibers. Bullet resistance glass can be obtained in a 3/4 inch thick composite of glass and plastics laminated together. On vehicle applications, the environmental end use is considered for the glass design. If a vehicle is outfitted with bullet proof or bullet resistant glazing, all the interior trim must also be reworked to accommodate the thicker glass.

What are stress cracks? Stress cracks are breaks from the edges of laminated glass, such as a windshield, that happen without an impact point or noticeable damaged area. While this phenomenon can occur with seemingly no apparent cause, there are however, two major factors that have a role in creating stress cracks. The stress crack can be caused by a manufacturing defect within the glass or it can be attributed to the installation methods.

How do glass defects cause stress cracks? Stress cracks can occur if the two plies of glass used to make the laminated part are not completely homogenous with each other. Stress cracks can be a condition of tension or compression that exist within the glass. Stress can also be caused by incomplete annealing or temperature difference between the plies. Manufacturing processes include multiple quality checkpoints for every individual part during production to identify and eliminate defective parts. Even so, it can be difficult to predict a stress crack due to manufacturing conditions.

I have often heard of a windshield surface referred to as the number 1, 2, 3 or 4 surface. What do these numbers mean? The windshield surface number refers to the glass surface of the individual glass plies in the laminated composite. A basic windshield construction is composed of two pieces of glass with a plastic layer in between. The surfaces are counted from OUTSIDE the vehicle. Therefore, surface number 1 is the outside surface of the exterior glass piece that would be exposed once installed in the vehicle. Surface number 4 is the innermost surface which would be on the interior of the vehicle once installed. Surface number 4 is the surface that is prepped with primers, cleaners and or activators required for installation. Surface # 2 and 3 are interior surfaces that are in contact with the plastic.

What is laminated glass? Laminated glass is constructed of two pieces of glass with a piece of plastic in between the glass plies. One type of plastic innerlayer used is PVB or polyvinyl butyral. Laminated glass is required to make windshields in the US.

How are windshields made? Two separate pieces of glass are cut to size. While the glass is flat it is printed with the artwork design (frit) that's required. The glass is put through a furnace to soften the glass and fire the frit to the glass surface. Once the glass reaches the right temperature, it is molded into shape and then cooled. After shaping, the glass/ plastic/ glass sandwich is put in a clean room and then put into an autoclave. An autoclave is like a giant pressure cooker. The high pressure squeezes the glass and plastic together. The higher temperature softens the plastic, which bonds the glass and plastic layers together. Once the glass exits the autoclave, any excess plastic is trimmed and the mirror mount is applied to the glass. The glass is inspected and cleaned several times throughout the entire process to make sure it has been manufactured to the highest quality standards. After a final inspection, the finished part is now ready to ship.

What is the Breakaway Bracket? Several new GM and Ford windshields have a Breakaway Bracket. This refers To the mirror button on the windshield. This style mirror button allows the rearviewmirror to snap off when the passenger air bag is deployed. If the rear view mirror did not snap off, there is a possibility that the mirror could puncture the air bag rendering it ineffective. The accessory tool used to remove these snap off rearview mirrors is the MB-4. TIP: Put Breakaway rearview mirrors back on the glass before installing the windshield. This will prevent moving a newly installed windshield out of place with the force required to snap the mirror on the glass.

How is a windshield glass molded into shape? There are two common practices for shaping a windshield, gravity bending and press bending. Gravity bending has been used longer than press bending. For gravity bending, two pieces flat glass ride through the furnace on a mold contoured like the finished part. As the glass softens, the force of gravity pulls the glass into shape. This pair of gravity bent glass is then kept together throughout the rest of the windshield process. In a press bending operation, the single lites of glass go through a furnace on a flat surface of high temperature resistant rollers. As the glass exits the furnace it is quickly pressed into shape between a male and female mold contoured like the finished product. The glass is then cooled and moved to the next process.

How can I determine if a diversity or non-diversity antenna backlite is needed? The diversity antenna will use a combination of antennas in order to perform efficiently. Most diversity-antennas are offered with vehicle upgrade packages. A standard car model may only have the mast antenna, whereas the deluxe luxury package may incorporate a diversity antenna in the backlite with the mast antenna. How to determine the need for a diversity antenna will differ depending on the vehicle. The current Toyota Camry has extra speakers (6 total) on the vehicle that uses a diversity antenna and only 4 speakers on the vehicle that uses the non-diversity antenna.

Can an antenna or heated backlite clip be reattached to the glass if it has fallen off? Clips, or tabs, can be reattached to the glass. In order to determine if the connection is repairable, the surface of the glass must be evaluated. If there are any chunks of glass (called spalls) missing from the surface, the repair should not be made and the glass should be replaced. Spalls will weaken the glass and could eventually result in glass breakage. Next, select the adhesive to be used to reattach the clips. There are a few companies that manufacture a conductive adhesive system that can be used to reattach the tabs. The adhesive must be conductive so it will allow the electrical current pass between the lines on the glass and the vehicle. Follow the manufacture's directions for the repair. Regular super glue adhesives will not work because they are non-conductive. HINT: Be sure to clean both the glass surface and the clip surface of old debris. Also, let the repaired part sit for the recommended cure time so the adhesive bond is fully developed.

Will a broken heated grid line on a backlite affect the operation of the antenna? Many new radio and cellular phone antenna designs are incorporated into the heated grid design in the backlite. If a heated grid line is broken it will affect the performance of the antenna. The line break will become more noticeable with the general public as diversity antennas gain popularity and reduce the need for traditional mast antennas. There are aftermarket grid line repair systems available which can restore both the heating and the antenna characteristics of the grid line.

What is a Rain Sensor windshield? Several vehicle manufacturers, including Cadillac, Mercedes Benz and BMW, are now offering Rain Sensor windshields. The rain sensor is actually a small electronic device mounted to the inside surface of the windshield. The device has a lens that will detect the presence of moisture on the outside surface of glass. When moisture is present, a signal is sent to the wiper control that automatically activates the windshield wipers. This a great safety option for those misty periods when a driver is passing trucks and road spray hits the windshield. The windshield wipers will activate without the need for the driver to remove his hands from the wheel or his eyes from the road.

Does the rain sensor module come on the replacement windshield? No. At this time, none of the rain sensor designs require the sensor to be applied by the manufacturer on the replacement windshields. The electronic sensor that is on the existing windshield in the car must be removed and re-mounted onto the replacement windshield.

How is the rain sensor attached to the replacement windshield? There are special re-attachment kits for the replacement industry, available through your local Car dealer, which can be used to re-attach the electronic rain sensor to the new windshield. The Cadillac kit consists of tape, cleaners and primers for replacing the Cadillac module. The Mercedes / BMW kit contains the tape and a new lens. Instructions for application are included in all the kits.

Is it normal for HUD display to appear faded in bright light conditions? Bright sunlight or high glare conditions can result in a dimmer display of the Head's Up display. It is normal for a HUD to appear brighter at night in darker conditions that during the day under full sun. It is not normal for the HUD to completely disappear. If the display is fading when the car changes momentum, such as when turning a corner or accelerating, then the problem could be a system defect and it's recommended that a dealer check out the electronics. There is nothing in the windshield to cause the display to fade or appear less intense.

What is a diversity antenna? A diversity antenna combines the reception from several individual antennas on the vehicle that makes it a very efficient antenna system. The definition of diverse means different, therefore a diversity antenna in a backlite is one that could Work with the mast (pillar) antenna mounted to the car. The two different antennas work together to achieve superior AM/FM radio reception. The 1998 Cadillac Seville has a diversity antenna system that consists of an antenna in the windshield and antenna in the backlite that work together.

What is a non-diversity antenna? A non-diversity antenna system relies on only one antenna for radio wave reception. Several examples of non-diversity antenna include 1) a mast antenna mounted to the vehicle 2) an antenna printed on the backlite or 3) a set of wires mounted into the windshield. A non-diversity antenna will not be a combination.

Can a break in a HUD (Heads-Up-Display) windshield be repaired or must it be replaced? A break in the HUD windshield can be repaired like a normal non-HUD windshield. If the repair area is in the HUD image area, a repair may interfere with the image causing a double or distorted image. Therefore, consideration is required to determine if the type and size of break is repairable without HUD interference.

Passivated glass refers to chemically coated glass. Many automotive glass parts are coated to achieve either the solar control characteristics or the privacy features. The coating can usually be detected by the reflective, mirror-like appearance. Sometimes these coatings will also have a color associated with them and can make the glass look blue, pink or amber. The solar coatings are used to filter out the sun's ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths while the privacy coatings filter out visible light wavelengths. The wavelengths that are filtered out by coated glass, include the wavelength spectrums that CB radios, cellular phones, automated toll readers and radar detectors operate on. Therefore, the chemically coated glass can interfere with the operation of electronic devices that require a glass-mounted antenna.

What type of glass is recommended for a glass-mounted antenna? Glass that is referred to, as BATCH glass is compatible with glass mounted antennas. Solar and privacy batch glass is not coated like the passivated glass. Instead, the raw materials that give the glass its solar or privacy characteristics are added at the time the glass is made. The raw materials are melted right in with the sand and other components that glass are constructed from. Once the glass has been made, it would not need any other treatments prior to fabrication into automotive glass parts. Batch glass is uniform throughout the thickness of the glass. Coated parts are surface treated; the surface has different properties than the core of the glass.

Are there any special hints for re-attaching the rain sensor? Make sure the glass is very clean prior to attaching the sensor. The performance of the sensors depends on the optically clear grades of doublefaced tape used for reattaching the units. These tapes also need to be clean and free of bubbles when applied to the glass. Any impurities that may be present will give a false signal to the rain sensor causing it to activate unnecessarily.

What does the term "Auto-Cancel" refer to in the NAGS catalog? The Auto Cancel notation means the electrical input to the heated backlite design is automatically canceled after a specified time and/or temperature. Most heated backlites made today are for automatic cancellation systems. However, there are a few parts such as the Isuzu Trooper backlites where a different glass heated design is required for the automatic vs. the manual systems. For example, FB4815 is for an automatic cancellation heated grid system whereas FB4816 is for a manual cancellation heated grid system. 8-What is the difference between a heavy-duty heated backglass and a standard heated backglass? The heavy-duty back glass is rated for higher amperage. The Heavy-Duty (HD) designation is predominately used on foreign cars such as Honda and Toyota vehicles. Normal domestic vehicles were rated for 22 amps whereas heated backlites in Asian vehicles were generally rated for 11 amps. Amperage relates to speed of performance. The higher the amperage, the faster the backglass will heat and clear the frost from the glass. To accommodate the US market, many foreign car manufacturers developed the HD back glasses to offer compatible defrosting performance in the US. The heavy-duty backglass are an upgrade, but it does not interchange with the standard design.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Power Tools Every Wood Worker Needs

If you want to set up your own woodworking shop, there are some key power tools you must have. Here are the 5 basic big pieces every wood worker should have, plus some essential smaller pieces:

Roll In The Deep

1. Table saw - This is one of the most important power tools in a wood workers arsenal. This piece helps you guide large pieces across the table as it makes the cut. This is a particularly important piece if you plan on big projects like building furniture or walls.

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2. Band saw - This saw gives you some creative freedom in that you can cut out shapes in the wood. You are able to cut curved pieces with it as well.

3. Scroll saw - For even more detailed shapes and cuts, this is the saw you need. While the band saw handles some basic curve and shape cutting duties, a scroll saw can help create a masterpiece. It can cut the tiniest of circles and even make wood cutouts keeping the piece of wood whole except for the cutout shape. This is a must - have tool if you are interested in making crafts for yourself or as a new business venture.

4. Planer - This power tool allows you to reduce the thickness of your wood by mere fractions to get the closest fit possible. Say you're trying to hang a piece of plywood and one end is a little longer than the other. You can take your planer and shave off just enough on one end for the board to fit flush with the ceiling and floor.

5. Router - This piece is great for giving wooden edges some character. Wood is cut into boards and planks, all with squared off edges. But, maybe you want a rounded or curvy decorative edge to your headboard or table-top. A router allows you to contour and curve the edges or add grooves.

6. Sander - Every workshop needs a great sander. There are many different types and sizes so the major wood worker likely needs a variety of sanders. A detail sander allows you to get into the intricate grooves of your creation for a smooth finish whereas an orbital or belt sander can smooth out a large flat piece of work.

Palm-size sanders are good for spot sanding places. You will choose the sander you need based on the size and intricacy of the project as well as the hardness of the wood.

It is important to remember that these tools can be dangerous if they are used improperly. The moving blades and saws can really do some damage but the sanders can also hurt you if you aren't paying attention.

If you are new to woodworking, take a class or watch a demonstration before jumping into it and always keep your power tools and work area clean. Safety goggles are a must when working with wood.

Tiny specks of sawdust can do some real damage to the cornea. You may also need to wear a mask for extensive sanding jobs and make sure your work area has good ventilation and lighting. There are so many things you can do with wood if you have the right tools. Just remember that safety should always come first in any workshop.

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